Entries by Tanya Kan


Solace State: Emotional Cyberpunk Stories is now available!

Unite the people and ignite the revolution. As a hacker, make your mark in hundreds of moral choices. 3D Visual Novel Solace State is available today on Steam and Xbox! You can pick up your own copy at: Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/928000/Solace_State_Emotional_Cyberpunk_Stories/ Xbox: https://www.xbox.com/en-IE/games/store/solace-state/9nr5h934436j Remember, you’ll get to meet Torrent! Here’s his new social profile:   Additionally, […]


At Solace State, What Does a QA Tester Do?

Solace State is a visual novel that requires a lot of testing, due to its complex narrative, custom 3D text-in-the-environment system, and trippy sci-fi camera transitions. Less than a week before the game’s release, Kas Millard shares the process. Long time no see! With days until Solace State’s launch date on September 14, we are […]

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Steam Streaming companion guide: 5 tips for streaming

This is meant to supplement the already fantastic How To Market A Game guide by Chris Zukowski! If you haven’t done so, please be sure to read that first. Here’s some additional ideas that may help you with you Steam Stream. As you can see from the volume of technical details, I highly recommend that […]

Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policies: Vivid Foundry version 1.4

Our Pledge A welcoming, respectful, and inclusive environment is the core tenet of Vivid Foundry. We, as team of collaborators, developers, and contributors, pledge to make our work environment a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible and invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic […]

Poem: Stakes

They will treat us as disposable in life, The young, the old, and the free. They’ll call us mindless agents, When we seek is a clear path for A sustainable future, of hope That doesn’t cost anyone else’s loss. And after death, They will desecrate our graves, Shut down our memories and our shrines. Raise […]

Poem: Bleached Ocean (draft)

You brought her to the ocean edge. She wondered how much it would hurt If she held her breath without any peace. If she trailed into the waves on her own, Met mantle crusts that squeeze her side Just for imagining different shore lines. Times you’ve shared pilgrimage in virtuous lines, Couldn’t say she was […]

Poem: 4’33” and Variations

He was tremendous to me, once. Told me everything I wanted to hear. Into the long night, it was Where everything was analyzable. We scrutinized every silence and Lorded over that time, that space. We seemed unafraid to speak our Minds: Restless, young, brash. There were silences when we Watched each other breathe, Wanted to […]